

Conditions Helped with Cannabis

AIDS, HIV, wasting conditions, affected immune systems, and cancer are all greatly benefited by ingesting cannabis. It is a smooth-muscle relaxant, stops nausea, stimulates the appetite, eases hot flashes and enables one to eat, and maintain their normal body weight.

Tumors of all types (including breast and fibroids) have been reduced with the use of cannabis. The antitumor properties of THC(tetra-hydrocannabinol)  and CBN (Cannabinol) can inhibit tumor growth by 25% to 82%, without damaging normal cells. (Harris et al.,1974)

Multiple Sclerosis and Muscular Dystrophy type conditions respond positively to a steady supply of cannabis. When combined with the added benefits of lecithin in baked goods, many people achieve a significant reduction in tremors, muscle fatigue and spasms. Cannabidiol (CBD) helps many with MS and MD to reduce or eliminate convulsions with no toxicity or behavioral impairment.

Epilepsy – 60% of sufferers benefit from cannabis use. Eye tremors can stop in one puff. A small amount of cannabis ingested on a regular basis helps to keep seizures to a minimum and improve bladder and bowel control. (Baker et al. 2003)

MS, MD and spinal cord injury related tremors, seizures, muscle spasms, convulsions, and pain  are all reduced due to the serotonin-mediated anticonvulsant actions of CBD/CBN and THC’s dilating action (Fox and Zajicek, 2002).

Hepatitis C and other liver ailments can benefit from daily ingestion of cannabis: THC stimulates the appetite while reducing pain and nausea.

Atherosclerosis, Dementia and Strokes are responsive to ingested THC due to anti-inflammatory action on blood vessels. Modern research indicates this action also protects against Alzheimer’s (Krishnan et al. 2009) and heart attacks(Raphael Mechoulam et al. 2010)

Glaucoma sufferers should ingest cannabis on a very regular basis to keep intraocular pressures even at all times and to avoid permanent damage to the optic disc of the retina.